Content is translated from English using DeepL Pro.
There are multiple ways to create glossaries for your translation with DeepL.
Learn more about how to manage your glossary entries here.
Create a glossary manually
A glossary can only be created via the web translator and in the desktop apps.
- Open the glossary list next to the language selector
- If you are creating your first glossary, you can decide if you want to manually add terms to the glossary or upload a glossary.
- Select Create glossary manually
- Enter your first term in your source language under Replace (source text) and the respective preferred translation under With (target text)
- Select the correct language pair
- Click on Create
To make the most out of your glossary, see our best practices to create the perfect glossary.
Upload a glossary
You can upload several entries to the glossary at once. For more information on uploading several entries at a time, see Upload a glossary.
Generate a glossary
You also have the option to generate a glossary from previously translated files via the glossary generator. For more information, see Generate a glossary.