Use the glossary generator to quickly and easily generate your own DeepL glossaries based on previous translations.
Learn more about the supported language pairs and limits here.
Access the glossary generator
- Go to our web translator
- Log in with your DeepL account and click Glossary
- If you don't have glossaries yet: click on Upload and then on Other file types
If you already have glossaries: click Manage glossaries and then Generate in the glossary window
Generate a new glossary
- Select the file type from which you'd like to extract potential glossary entries
- Click the tab Upload a .tmx, .tsv., or .csv file
- Name your glossary under Glossary name
- Select a source and target language under Language pair
- Click Browse to select a file or drag and drop it to the page
- Select a file containing both the original text, and its translation
- (Optional) Click on Add more files to upload additional translation data
- Click Submit
- Select the file type from which you'd like to extract potential glossary entries
- Click the tab Upload .docx or .pdf files
- Name your glossary under Glossary name
- Select a source and target language under Language pair
- Click Browse to select a file or drag and drop it to the page
- Select one file containing the original text and another file with its translation
- (Optional) Click on Add more files to upload additional translation data
- Click Submit
Review glossary entries
After the upload, the glossary generator will extract candidates for glossary entries (or "translation rules") from your files. This might take a while, depending on the size of the files.
As soon as the glossary entry candidates are ready, you'll receive an email. If you don't receive an email, please check your spam folder.
The email will include a link to a page containing the newly generated glossary entries. On this page, you can:
- Edit entries
- Delete entries
- View example sentences with the suggested terms
- View the Relevance score of an entry (the higher the score, the more often a term appeared in the uploaded files)
- Save your progress
- Change the name of your new glossary before generating it
After you've finished editing your list of glossary entries, you can either download the glossary as a CSV file, or directly click Generate glossary to finalize and instantly add the new glossary to DeepL.