Can I use DeepL Pro in memoQ?
Yes, it is possible to directly integrate DeepL into memoQ.
Before you get started, make sure you have purchased a DeepL Pro subscription. If you haven't, you can do so here.
Also, you need to have memoQ 11.0.20 or higher installed with an active license. You will need your personal authentication key to use DeepL Pro with memoQ 11.0.20 or higher. This key can be found on the Account tab of your DeepL account.
There are several ways to use the DeepL Pro plug-in:
- Pre-translate automatically
- Translate single files
- Create a new project
Learn more about how to set up a project without pre-translation here:
1) Create a new project
- Select the option Create new project from template
- Add the documents (or folder of documents) to translate and click Next
- In the next window, select the source and target languages
- Whether you create a new project or use a template, all machine translation (MT) resources must be active. While these resources are active by default, you can check if MT resources are active:
- Click on Review settings under Resources
- Check that MT settings shows all
- Click Finish
2) Set MT settings
Once the project has been created:
- Go to Settings, at the bottom of the Project home menu (on the left of the screen)
- Go to MT settings
- Click the option Create/use new
- Give this new resource a name (e.g., "DeepL Pro Plug-in").
- Click Edit and the window Edit machine translation settings will appear
- Under the Services tab, you will find DeepL MT Plug-in
- Select the plug-in by ticking the box next to it
- Configure the plug-in by clicking on the settings wheel to the right of DeepL MT Plug-in
- Enter your authentication key in the text field that appears, and click OK. This key can be found on the Account tab of your DeepL account.
Under the Settings tab, you can specify where you want to use the DeepL plug-in. Once you have selected your preferred settings, click OK to return to the MT settings menu. Check the box next to DeepL Pro Plug-in to add it to the project.
3) Finish set up
- Under Project home, select Translations
- Open one of the files to start translating
- To the right of the document, the Translation results window will show the automatic translations from DeepL, which you can use and edit directly in the target language segment
- As soon as you move on to the next open segment, the plug-in will quickly and automatically suggest a translation in the Translation results window
These translations will be saved in your translation memories for future use.
You can also consult the memoQ Support for further information about how the plug-in works.
Important: should you encounter difficulties when using DeepL Pro with memoQ 11.0.20 or higher, please make sure that your plug-in is up to date, either by installing updates automatically, or by checking for memoQ updates manually.