For free users
This feature is not available for free users of DeepL Translator. To adjust the tone of your translations, you need to subscribe to DeepL Pro. Please consult our pricing page for further information. You can test the formal/informal feature during a trial period of either the DeepL Pro Starter or DeepL Pro Advanced plan.
For DeepL Pro users (Starter, Advanced, and Ultimate)
Please make sure that you are logged in to your DeepL account, as this feature is not available for free users of DeepL Translator.
Please make sure that this feature is supported for your target language. Currently, you can use this feature when translating into the following languages:
- Dutch
- French
- German
- Italian
- Japanese*
- Polish
- Portuguese**
- Russian
- Spanish
You can use the formal/informal feature for text translation in the web translator and the desktop and mobile apps. It is not available yet in the browser extensions.
You can also use the formal/informal feature for document translations in the desktop apps and in the web translator.
The feature is supported for text and document translations in our API for CAT tools, so CAT tool providers can implement support for this feature in their software.
For Japanese, the feature has a slightly different functionality and is called plain/polite. More information can be found here.
Available for both target languages Portuguese (all Portuguese varieties excluding Brazilian Portuguese) and Portuguese (Brazilian).